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How to get rid of Cellulite!

So far you probably know what exactly is cellulite, (if not, read our previous article on ‘What is Cellulite’ Click Here) and that it is not a medical condition but more like a ''beauty problem'' . The journey to get rid of cellulite is not easy, it has a lot sacrifices and you will not see a 100% reduction, but we are here to truly help you see the best possible results. Let's get to it!


Change your diet

We know, food is everything, but if you want to really see a difference on your ‘orange-peel’ skin, you better change your daily diet and the first step is to start drinking more water. This is an advice that you have probably heard multiple times, but believe me, it is really important. Water helps your body to metabolize the fat or in other words, to burn it! Also, water flushes out some toxins responsible for fat storing and fluid retention which can make your cellulite look worse.

Regarding food, you should add more fruits and vegetables in your diet as they contain plenty of antioxidants that fight the free radicals which damage the skin cells and contribute to cellulite formation. There are some fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants (more specific in anthocyanin that it is believed to help reduce cellulite) so you should totally add the following fruits and vegetables in your shopping list: blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blackcurrants ,cranberries, pomegranate, kale , purple sweet potato and beetroot. Also, you should include more proteins and less simple carbs (pasta, potato, bread). Proteins promote collagen production that makes your skin look firmer and thicker. Regarding the fats, your diet must contain the healthy ones from fish, flaxseed, nuts, and olive oil as they improve blood circulation and fat burning. Finally, you should cut of the salty foods and just plain salt as they are responsible for fluid retention that makes you look inflated.


Workout time!

This workout time should actually be your weekly habit, not only for cellulite reduction but also for your physical health. Regarding cellulite, there are some specific exercises aiming to the glute area that really help. Of course, do not forget to do some cardio as it promotes better blood flow and fat burn. The best cardio is jogging, but you can also try a step machine or elliptical machine that aim to the glute and thigh area. The best exercises to do are:

  • Fire hydrants
  • Brazilian lunges
  • Hip extensions
  • Plie squats
  • Hip extensions
  • Single-leg hip raise
  • Lying glute bridge
  • Lying leg abduction
  • Lying butt bridge
  • Front squats
  • Mountain climbers
  • Outer thigh lifts
  • Elevated lunge

Check out the video from our friend and personal trainer, Laura, showing us how to properly do some of the best anti-cellulite exercises, which you can easily do from the comfort of your home! (get access to video)


Try dry brushing

It is a technique that even the most popular Hollywood stars use it! When you dry brush, you use a firm bristle brush to dry skin to help exfoliate dead skin cells and improve the blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This procedure improves the appearance of your skin, reduce inflammation, and make your connective tissue thicker so it minimizes the appearance of cellulite. The only disadvantage of this method is that it can be harsh for sensitive and dry skin but give it a try!


Use Retinol

For your skincare, choose a product that contains at least 0,5% retinol. This can be a cream or a serum or you can just create your own retinol cream by adding some drops of retinol to it every time you want to use a cream. Retinol is known for its collagen boosting properties, so it makes your skin thicker and firmer, reducing the orange-peel look on your skin. You may have heard about some caffeine creams or scrubs, but there is no clinical evidence of improvement.


Massage the suffering area

There is no better way to massage other than using the 'Anti-Cellulite & Slimming device. This device uses far infrared rays to generate a thermal reaction to burn those fat cells! Infrared rays are safe for your body and penetrate deeper in your skin to generate a gentle heat and improve blood circulation. Massage your thighs, legs, arms, or tummy to remove stretch marks and tighten your skin. A huge plus is that the heat generated stimulates muscles to relieve pain so you can use it also after your hard workout day!

Keep in mind that cellulite cannot be removed totally. Even with some of the latest and most expensive medical procedures, you will see a 90-95% difference. But this difference can be felt if you follow all the above advices faithfully. Don't expect to see overnight results and dramatic changes in just a week, give time to your body to adapt to your new habits and it will not disappoint you. Everything needs time to start working so have faith and don't give up. And if you do a small sideline once in a while, don't worry, we all do (chocolate is not a sideline, it's a weekly pleasure!).

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